2011年12月31日 星期六

[KR] 我眼中的韓國 What I See Korea


(【韓國連線】採訪日記 Day2:英文無用?),實在讓人搖搖頭,要知道全中文世界的台北市同時也被多少外國人抱怨旅遊不便,英文路標的翻譯標示亂七八糟,台灣人普遍的英文程度也好不到那裡去,根本是五十步笑百步。唯一公認較優的地方是態度友善,熱心幫忙,這才是值得稱許的。



As a Taiwanese, after living abroad for 2 years, I am really sick of the islander-mind. In Taiwan island, seems Taiwan is almost about everything. It is hard to know what happened outside this island, because nobody cares.

These years, it is easy to become a target once you mention "Korean" in Taiwan. It usually comes along with "xx dog", "xx kimchi"..., even the head of finest IT company in Taiwan dare to declare a war publicly, said that "Korea is everyone's enemy." Korean has already literally become the public enemy, a taboo in Taiwan.

Not to mention the net, anything related to Korea posted always follows with criticism and dirty words from those patriots. For instance, a news said that a Korean women was physically abused in Taipei, there were even some so-called patriots commented: "Hurrah!", this kind of worse-than-beasts words fulfilled the whole page. Through this I can see how petty their mind is. Those patriots always yell "I LOVE Taiwan", but how much have they really done for Taiwan? (hate Korea counts?) Have they ever really known any Korean people?

After the vent, then?

Acer's touch monitor team was dismissed unexpectedly. Samsung is still one of the prevalent bands worldwide.
Taiwanese girls continue to rush to the trend of K-pop overwhelmingly. Many of them married Korean guys.
Taiwanese guys still dream they were in the "Girls' Generation", and pray Korean won't come here.

In fact, I used to be one of those who dislike Korean. Because they can cheat on games, do whatever it takes to win, they claim shamelessly that Confucius, the Dragon Boat Festival and Pizza are from Korea. However, all the information source is from our media.

It is until I met some REAL Korean overseas, then I realize that this is not as simple as people see. Actually, most of Korean don't know much about those arrogant opinions. They are just confused that why there are people on a southern island hate them so much. Nevertheless, the truth is that the majority of Korean know Philippines and Thailand, but they never heard of Taiwan, don't even know where Taiwan is. They only care about Japan, America and China. It turns out that those intolerant views are from some specific groups in Korea, not the pubic. In other words, it is only another gossip to them. Ends up being spread by Chinese media.

Speaking of which, I could not help wondering that while WWII, Japan had killed thousands of people in Taiwan; they dare to crash Taiwanese fishing boat to claim the faraway Diaoyu island's sovereign of right. Why do not Taiwanese deem Japan bad? (Personally I am okay with Japan.)

Business as war. Businessmen's job is to do whatever necessary to win. The issue of "Samsung as informer" occurred twice is merely a significant battle. Many Korean don't know this. In the end, not just Taiwanese companies were hurt, but also Samsung's foe: LG, another Korean company was punished, which indicates that this is obviously a business matter. In moral view, Samsung's behavior of being an informer is nasty indeed. But is it real that Taiwanese enterprises never cheat? Come on, let's not deceive yourself.

In the same furious athletic field, take Taekwondo, the most competitive between Taiwan and Korea for example. I got black tie since I learned from childhood. A lot of Taiwanese doesn't know the Taekwondo is from Korea(true!). Taekwondo is a treasure to Korean that they might seek the victory more seriously than usual. It is shame that the Korean umpire is not fair, totally unacceptable. However, this is not so incomprehensible. Since victory is such important to the Korean, and they are so patriotic, no wonder this could happen. There is nothing wrong people loving their country.(but just in a bad way) Moreover it is not only the Korean could be unfair, everybody in this world loves their own country. The point is whether it is discovered and reported by the media or not. Personally I would rather to start cooperate with Korean or engage other sports than being meaningless angry. There is a wide range of sports in the world. Why does Taiwan have to choose Taekwondo and fight with determined Korea? Taiwan is good at Golf, Billiard, Table tennis, Badminton......which can beat Korea undoubtedly. On the other hand, the most popular Baseball and Basketball sport in Taiwan now are no longer strong like before. As for the most globally widespread sport: Soccer, Taiwan soccer team? Never heard of it.

It is such a pity that today Taiwan against Korea as both have so many similar parts that we can share each other:

1. Both are small countries, the interaction between China, Japan and the US is critical.
2. Both are democratic nations, in the front line of communist nations.
3. Both lack natural resource, rely on external trade extremely.
4. Both produce identical products.
5. Both prefer creative design, and head the same way in the future.
6. Both have similar environment. When I arrived Korea in 2004, I was surprised the surroundings look like Taiwan a lot, even within the Seoul city. It could be kind of Taipei after change the Korean with Chinese character on the shop signs. (personal opinion)

I remember when I was in school 10 years ago. The Japanese and American stuff are so popular in Taiwan. Korea was nothing but a small country no one cares. But few months ago, when I came back from Australia after 2 years, it is totally different: Walking on the street, Korean songs and dramas are everywhere. The prevalence of K-pop impressed me!

After the serious lesson of financial crisis 97', Korea not only climbed back from the bottom, but step into the limelight of the world. Korea's GDP surpassed Taiwan's easily within few years. Although Taiwan had survived from the crisis, but since then went downward until now. The primary salary for Korean university graduates can range from 60,000 NTD per month; Taiwanese university graduates only can receive no more than 30,000 NTD in one month.....Is all of this not enough to teach Taiwan a good lesson? The former Minister of Economic Affairs, current CEO of External Trade Development Council agrees so, thus prompting the cooperation of Taiwan and Korea. Meanwhile the Representative of Korea in Taipei office also wrote an article to indicate that "The relationship of Korea-Taiwan is underestimated".(평가된 한·대만 관계)

From the perspective of history, thanks to Korea that Taiwan can maintain the freedom and democracy today. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, Korean had sacrificed thousands of lives to fight with Chinese communists, which kept them away from Taiwan. In the meantime, this also urged the Americans to pay more attention to the importance of Taiwan defense. Hence they sent the US seventh fleet to Taiwan simultaneously.

The current Korea society is extreme competitive with negative influence accordingly. But it is because every Korean willing to give and win that Korea can be strong nowadays. If we can understand and observe Korea objectively, then it is no more difficult to comprehend their behavior.

In Seoul, Korea. 2011.12.31










同樣競爭激烈的運動場上,就拿台韓間競爭最激烈的跆拳道來說,我從小學到黑帶,許多台灣人都不知道跆拳道其實是韓國人發明的(這是事實),跆拳道對於韓國人來說就是一項國粹,得失心本來就會相對更大。裁判不公,當然很無恥,不可接受,但這也不是不能理解,既然勝利對他們來說如此重要,韓國人又這麼愛國,會做出這種行為也不奇怪,人家愛自己的國家不行嗎?(只是方法有錯) 更何況全世界的裁判也不是惟有韓國籍才有可能不公平,人人都愛自己的國家,只是有沒有發生及被媒體報導出來罷了。所以台灣人與其在那邊憤慨不平地埋怨、抗議生悶氣,倒不如想想該如何與韓國加強合作交流,或是轉換跑道,此處不留爺自有留爺處,世上有那麼多的運動項目,為何偏偏要選跆拳道跟韓國槓呢?台灣人在高爾夫、撞球桌球羽球...仍然可以打敗韓國,倒是棒球、籃球十年至今一蹶不振,全球最流行的足球就更不用說了,台灣足球代表隊?聽都沒聽過。

1. 同樣是小國家,與中國日本美國的互動很重要。
2. 同樣身為民主國家,位處面對共產國家的戰爭前線。
3. 同樣缺乏天然資源,非常倚賴對外貿易。
4. 同樣生產許多類似商品,產品線重疊性相當高。
5. 同樣注重創意設計,將來還是會走同樣的路線。
6. 同樣擁有類似的都市環境,我2004剛到韓國時,在高速公路就很驚訝為何週遭環境一眼望去跟台灣這麼像?首爾市裡也差不多,把招牌上火星文的韓文換成中文,就跟台北市相去不遠。(這點純屬個人感覺)


韓國在經歷過97金融危機慘痛的教訓後,不只重新站了起來,還成功走上世界舞台,短短幾年之內輕鬆超越台灣GDP產值;反觀台灣當時雖然得以低空飛過,卻也從此開始走下坡至今。韓國大學畢業生起薪可以有6萬台幣;台灣大學畢業生有3萬就要偷笑了,仁川國際機場連續6年獲得「全球服務最佳機場」第一名;桃園國際機場卻總是「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」,釜山港一躍成為世界前五大裝箱吞吐量的港口;高雄港則在十名之外,且節節敗退中......這等等箇中原因難道不值得台灣好好反省學習?就連前經濟部長,現外貿協會董事長王志剛也是這麼認為的:新聞-王志剛促加強台韓經貿合作韓國駐台代表同樣也撰文表示:台韓關係被低估 (低평가된 한·대만 관계)




2 則留言:

  1. 台灣人仇恨韓國人,始於1992年斷交,之前其實沒有仇韓情緒存在。

    1. 老實說,如果台灣人要因為斷交就恨一個國家,那這帳應該算不完吧= ="


